Create your own KPI Dashboard using OCA
Enric Tobella AlomarDone
Introduction to the OCA code quality and testing infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
Practical Introduction to DDMRP
Luis F MiléoDone
Tips & tricks for daily work in OCA: migrating a module, reviewing PRs and AMA
Pedro M. BaezaDone
How to set up a runbot
Alexandre FayolleDone
Ask me anything on Odoo Logistics
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Introduction to Brazilian Localization (in Portuguese)
Renato Lima + Luis F MIleoDone
Odoo Developer Training: From Basis to First Module
Luis Felipe MileoDone
How to create Pull Requests and contribute code
Daniel ReisDone
Testing best practices, tips and tricks
Simone OrsiDone
The world of Logistics is big and there are a lot of challenges in implementing a software to support those processes. Since the very beginning, Odoo has always approached it in a very nice and innovative manner. During the recent years, big steps forward have been made and Odoo began to be a real challenger to other solutions in this area.
This talk is made for people experienced in Logistics eager to know how far Odoo can go. We expect the audience to know about Odoo Logistics engine, understand concepts and flows implemented in the core. During this talk we will get an overview of more advanced features to handle more complex warehouses setup using the Open Source OCA WMS, Logistics & Procurement modules.
Image by
Samantha Borges