Practical Introduction to DDMRP
Luis F MiléoDone
Create your own KPI Dashboard using OCA
Enric Tobella AlomarDone
Introduction to Brazilian Localization (in Portuguese)
Renato Lima + Luis F MIleoDone
WMS & Supply chain using OCA Module
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Localization and electronic invoicing (Chile example)
Maxime ChambreuilDone
Odoo Developer Training: From Basis to First Module
Luis Felipe MileoDone
Testing best practices, tips and tricks
Simone OrsiDone
Role Policy App
Els Van Vossel, Richard Varghese and Luc De MeyerDone
Odoo models XML import/export using generateDS to generate bindings from arbitrary XSD schemas
Raphaël ValyiDone
Introduction to the OCA code quality and testing infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
Ask me anything on Odoo Logistics
Location: Track 1
10/16/20, 3:05 PM
10/16/20, 3:35 PM
(30 minutes)
Joël Grand Guillaume
+41 21 618 10 28
With a strong knowledge of integrating logistics with Odoo, I'll answer whatever question you may have on this topic. e.g.
* point you at useful OCA modules
* explain how it works
* advice on best practices
* talk about experiences, good and bad - this I intend to be an open discussion.
Image by
Samantha Borges