Introduction to the OCA code quality and testing infrastructure
Stéphane BidoulDone
Odoo Developer Training: From Basis to First Module
Luis Felipe MileoDone
Tips & tricks for daily work in OCA: migrating a module, reviewing PRs and AMA
Pedro M. BaezaDone
How to create Pull Requests and contribute code
Daniel ReisDone
WMS & Supply chain using OCA Module
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Testing best practices, tips and tricks
Simone OrsiDone
Odoo models XML import/export using generateDS to generate bindings from arbitrary XSD schemas
Raphaël ValyiDone
Create your own KPI Dashboard using OCA
Enric Tobella AlomarDone
Odoo 3d with google model-viewer
Andrea PiovesanaDone
Introduction to Brazilian Localization (in Portuguese)
Renato Lima + Luis F MIleoDone
How to set up a runbot
Location: Track 1
10/16/20, 9:00 AM
10/16/20, 10:30 AM
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Alexandre Fayolle
Alexandre lives in France, takes care of his garden and plays jazz in his spare time. He has been working with OpenERP / Odoo since 2012, at Camptocamp, and coauthored the Odoo Development Cookbook. He contributed some modules and some reviews to the OCA and keeps the Odoo server and the Runbot of the Association up and running.
The goal of the session is to show people how to install and run runbot (the vanilla version from Odoo). The topics I plan to cover:
* hardware requirements
* installing runbot
** external dependencies (docker, nginx, git, github)
** odoo setup for runbot
* configuring github repositories
Image by
Samantha Borges