OCA Document Management System
Jaime Arroyo MoralesDone
Pip install Odoo
Daniel ReisDone
Connecting a POS with Odoo - Return on experience
Julien JezequelDone
Using excel file as template to build powerful import/export and reports action.
Kitti UpariphutthiphongDone
Barcode app using OCA WMS shopfloor app
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Building a powerful Geodata management system
Denis LeemannDone
Improving customer experience with Optimal Delivery
Rodrigo TorresDone
Odoo's success stories in academia in Indonesia
Dr. Ir. Agung Terminanto, MBA, IPMDone
Women of Odoo
Jennifer Campbell + Jessica NovelaDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 10:10 AM
10/15/20, 10:40 AM
(30 minutes)
ShopInvader is an ecommerce solution to create and manage easily your online store with Odoo.
This talk will summarize the new features of Shopinvader, the new projects related to Shopinvader and the new contributors.
We will share tips to help you in your implementation.
We will explain the roadmap for the next version and ask your feedback.
Image by
Samantha Borges