Working with the community - why it should be the new normal
Frederik KramerDone
How to guide your Odoo project to success with OCA
Rafael BlascoDone
Project management - How to maximize chances of success with client customization
Julien Jézéquel-Bréard + Quentin Lavallée-BourdeauDone
Business Resiliency
Gregory A MaderDone
BI Intregration
Wolfgang HallDone
Shopinvader for serious ecommerce
Héctor Villarreal OrtegaDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
Odoo for Non-profit
Wolfgang HallDone
Odoo for music management and record companies
Julien JezequelDone
Refactoring of OCA financial reports
Joan SisquellaDone
Building your local community with the OCA
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 3:10 PM
10/15/20, 3:40 PM
(30 minutes)
Maxime Chambreuil
Project Manager / Consultant
at Open Source Integrators
+1 (855) 877-2377 #710
How the OCA can help you build your local community and increase your visibility.
Image by
Samantha Borges