Connecting a POS with Odoo - Return on experience
Julien JezequelDone
Odoo to Odoo: the Benefits of Migration
Daniel ReisDone
Odoo for music management and record companies
Julien JezequelDone
Marmara Credit Loops: İntegration of a Blockchain Based Decentralized Credit Creation and Circulation System with Odoo
Prof. Dr. B. Gültekin ÇetinerDone
Sales/VAT tax compliance with Avatax Connector
Daniel ReisDone
Barcode app using OCA WMS shopfloor app
Joël Grand GuillaumeDone
Odoo for Non-profit
Wolfgang HallDone
Using excel file as template to build powerful import/export and reports action.
Kitti UpariphutthiphongDone
Shopinvader for serious ecommerce
Héctor Villarreal OrtegaDone
OCA Document Management System
Jaime Arroyo MoralesDone
BI Intregration
Location: Track 2
10/15/20, 7:35 PM
10/15/20, 8:05 PM
(30 minutes)
What are reasonable ways to connect to reasonably priced BI solutions.
Image by
Samantha Borges