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PROPOSAL :: AccountMove v9 - hidden tag

- 03/10/2015 00:49:27
Hi All

I want to propose for discussion a simple idea about a standard approach on how to implement easy extensible for management of advanced documents (like comercial paper, treasury bills, shares, etc) from Verion 9 on.

As everything is now "taggy" in v9, beeing a very powerful concept at reporting time, I want to propose some kind of a official (!) hidden tag for journal entries (not "items"). This way, we can easily extend the journal entry (acocunt.move) model and it's corresponding views to support a wider variety of documents.

One example would be a treasury bill, so I would create Treasury Bill Tag and create a custom module that helps to encode a very specific label for those journal items (GTDEM2Y:GOV - Bloomberg Code). Then, having entry type encoded in the tag, It is very easy to create specialized reporting for those type of documents across the software.

The value of an official way to do this, is increased ecosystem consistency and higher developer effectiveness, among others.

What do you think?

@ Odoo, would there a PR be accepted for this fundamental and generic feature?


