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Re: Split OCA website repository into website and website_sale

Matmoz D.O.O., Matjaž Mozetič
- 14/08/2015 13:14:39
What advantage does it give fragmenting the repositories so much? OCA repos are already way too fragmented for a server maintainer and while finding a module could seem easier in a less populated repo, we open another issue - finding the right repo. To do a simple update of the modules we have to navigate between exaggerated number of folders to perform repeatedly a simple git pull just to have all the repos updated. How is it simpler to manage that way?

Example: for a simple service company I would need at least: account-invoicing, hr, hr-timesheet, knowledge, management-system, partner-contact, project-service, sale-workflow, server-tools, web and website.

What's the point of this fragmentation? Finding a module? Crtl+F does the job by name in a single repo, grep -r does it by content... So why? X repos means X git pulls just to keep in sync (or git fetch+git rebase+git pull+git push for the forks)... to not even mention the translation teams nightmare that fragmented repositories represent - Transifex translation memory is not shared between projects and OCA will have (between 6.1, 7.0, 8.0 and in the close future 9) hundred of them by this pace.

I don't want to criticize, I just want to understand why (i started with the cons, give me the pros please).

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Leonardo "LeartS" Donelli <> wrote:
Hi all!
The OCA/website repository already contains 16 modules of which 4 are
actually ecommerce (website_sale) modules.
There are 22 PR for new modules, of which 6 are modules for the ecommerce.

Assuming all get merged, this would result in a repo with 38 modules.
By splitting the repo into OCA/website and OCA/website_sale, they
would have respectively 28 and 10 modules, which would make it simpler
to manage and to find the modules you're looking for.

Post to:

Matjaž Mozetič, CEO
+386 41 745 131
