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Re: Partner unicity
Alexinux, Alexis de Lattre
2018-04-17 19:51 GMT+02:00 Alexis de Lattre <>:
But it uses a python constraint instead of an SQL constraint, so I will probably not use it for perf reasons.One point you have not mentionned is the "ref" field. I find it usefulto have it unique (but it can't be used to deduplicate and it is not
required). I've often made this field an accounting field copied on
contacts of a company.
For sure, the 'ref' field should be unique. I have a small usability module that adds this ( ), but we should have a module that adds the sql_constraint unique(ref) in OCA.partner_ref/
Answering to myself: there is already a module partner_ref_unique in the OCA for v9:
Alexis de Lattre
Akretion France - 35B rue Montgolfier - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
Akretion France - 35B rue Montgolfier - 69100 Villeurbanne - France