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Re: OCA Coding Standards and recommended IDEs

Leonardo Pistone
- 16/10/2015 15:31:07
> Everyone is free to use a text editor that has no flake8 support, so adding
> those checks you say in travis would be wiser IMHO, as it is now with
> flake8.

I think we are actually saying the same thing: what Travis does, is a
somewhat custom setup of flake8 + pylint.

What we need is a simple standalone wrapper, independent of everything
(especially Travis) that does just the same check that Travis does

- travis just runs the script
- people can run the script locally from the command line
- optional: people can configure their editor of choice to run it
inside the editor. This is something I am actually confortable giving
specific advice about (example "if you use vim you can configure
syntastic to run the checker XXX on python files")

Of course I agree with Oleg: we want to easily run the same checks
that Travis runs locally.
