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Weblate - use po file download/upload - revisions

Stefano Consolaro
- 20/01/2023 10:23:31
I did some translation on using the web interface.
Now I desire to have an overall view of a repository translation and fix some imprecisions I did, expecially for common and repeated strings.
I see that I can download the repo's POs file but the Weblate option to upload them isn't enabled.
If isn't possible to enable the upload, there is a way to go around this (i.e. sending the fixed files to someone)? Or the only solution is the web interface?

Second question, on Transifex for Odoo project there is the revision option enabled that grant a better quality of the translations.
Do you think that it can be activate on OCA Weblate too?

Thanks for attention.
PS: I hope to had use the right mailing list for this questions. 

Stefano Consolaro
