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booking of resources

- 17/01/2023 20:51:33

hello, dear contributors!

one of our clients needs a solution for managing bookings of rooms in a building (for events like conferences, parties, etc.). they have several rooms that can be booked, and each booking can have options involving objects or people, like a video projector, waiters, tables, chairs, plates and cutlery,…

some objects are identified individually (like video projectors), while others can be considered as always available in infinite quantity (like tables, chairs, plates and cutlery) and only the amount matters.

bookings would be created manually (on the back-end side) by our client after communicating with their customers (by e-mail, telephone,…). for each booking, a sale order should be made, and the price should depend on the room, the duration and the chosen options. the bookings (and thus availability) of each room, person, and individually identified object (like a video projector) should be visible in a calendar, and booking conflicts must be avoided.

do you have any advice on how to implement this without reinventing the wheel?

we looked into the resource_booking module, which seems mostly great overall, but quickly faced a constraint: a can only book one a combination is a fixed list of resources, and combinations must be created manually. i’m not sure how it’s supposed to be used.

if only one is created for a customer booking, this means that the booking and all its options must be represented by one combination. for example, if there are 4 rooms, 3 video projectors and 5 people that can be combined freely, 96 combinations (including the “no video projector” and “no waiter” choice) must be created (and each of them must be added to at least one to be selectable). moreover, the client would need to search through all of these to find the desired one. and what if there could be multiple waiters? this feels awkward. also, availability is only visible per combination, not per resource, so it is not very useful. however, it seems that availability conflicts are checked per resource, but in case of conflict, no information is given about which resource is not available.

another option is to create one combination per resource, and create multiple resource.bookings (with the same date and the same partner) for one customer booking. this is more flexible, but there are no direct links between all of these bookings. what if the customer wants to change the date or cancel the booking?

for billing, sale_resource_booking allows to link a product to a, so one product is needed for each combination. it also allows to generate a sale order from a resource booking type (so combination and dates must be selected afterwards), but i didn’t find a way to do it from a booking, which would be more useful.

i understand why using combinations can be useful (as a compound for common use cases), and this is maybe a good technical decision (because it can avoid duplication), but i think that as they are, it seems that, in many cases, they get in the way instead of helping. am i maybe missing something obvious?

here are some possibilities i’m currently considering:

  1. use one per booking, but hide the combinations from the user (using a wizard, for example). the user would select all desired resources, and a matching combination would be used if one exists, or one would be created on the fly.
  2. use multiple resource.bookings per booking (one for each resource), create one combination per resource, and find a way to link resource.bookings together.
  3. extend by allowing multiple combinations to be booked per booking (instead of only one), and create one combination per resource.
  4. extend by allowing multiple resources to be booked directly per booking (instead of a combination), and don’t use combinations.

for objects considered as always available, use a product, and extend by allowing multiple products (with a quantity) to be linked to a booking, or simply add them directly to the generated sale order.

i’m pretty sure that this resource booking use case is quite common, and having a generic solution that works for most cases would be useful. do you have any ideas about all this?


hugues de keyzer
coop it easy
