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Re: A methodology / best practice / Odoo / Python question

- 07/09/2021 10:27:31
you can also use functions to render QWeb templates, so you can declare the function in any Python file and add it to the values used to render the pages that will need your function.

To add your function to the values of any website page you can override `_prepare_qcontext` ( or you can add it individually to the values of the page that need your function.

On Mon, 6 Sept 2021 at 10:26, Radovan Skolnik <> wrote:



I am struggling with this for a while so I have decided to ask here. I am building a module that would be showing active filters/ordering as tags on e-commerce by parsing query part of the URL. Besides the standard ones (search, order) we are also using brands filter and also custom_info. Both of these can have multiple options checked. User has the option to remove them individually instead of searching for appropriate checkobxes on the page. Now my approach is basically iterate through key/value pairs and for each generate what looks like a tag visually with URL that has that key/value pair removed (so it in fact removes that part of filter). For that I have devised a code like this:


from odoo.http import request


from werkzeug import OrderedMultiDict

from werkzeug.urls import url_parse, url_encode


def _get_filtered_url(param, value):

filtered_args = OrderedMultiDict(filter(lambda arg: arg[0]!=param or arg[1]!=value, request.httprequest.args.items(multi=True)))

url = url_parse(request.httprequest.url)

return url.replace(query=url_encode(filtered_args)).to_url()


Now this code is obviously not a object/class method - it should be (in my opinion) a static method. Now the question is: static method of what? Because I need to be able to call it from XML template that renders part of WebsiteSale. I guess I could create a dummy (transient?) class and call it like request.env['my_transient_class']._get_filtered_url(param, value) but that somehow does not seem right to me. Or is it the right way? I am trying to write a clean concise code that is not hacky.


Any advice is welcome here. Thank you very much.


Best regards


Radovan Skolnik


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