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Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
Lambda IS DOOEL, Kiril Vangelovski
It would be nice to hear more about the OCA python packaging infrastructure:
- how and when are addons published on PyPI
- how to package you own addons
- example development workflows & deployment strategies using
pip instead of a git based approach.
I don't think it has been covered in much details previously.
Thank you for the effort!
Kind Regards,
On 2.9.21 10:46, Rebecca Gellatly
HI everyone,
I hope you are all well.
We are in full planning mode for the OCA Days (28th-29th Oct) and would love to hear from you.
Are there talk topics, tutorials etc you would like to see presented at the OCA Days?Please give us an idea about what you want to know about.
Thanks so much,Rebecca
Rebecca GellatlyGeneral SecretaryOdoo Community Association_______________________________________________
Post to:
-- Lambda IS DOOEL - free/open-source information systems implementation & development Kiril Vangelovski - consultant/developer web: tel: +38971753823
What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byMoaHub, Rebecca Gellatly-
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byLambda IS DOOEL, Kiril Vangelovski -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byEcosoft Co. Ltd., Kitti Upariphutthiphong -
Re: What do you want to learn about at OCA Days 2021?
byLambda IS DOOEL, Kiril Vangelovski