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Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
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Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
OpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese
Hi Stéphane.
Il giorno lun 1 mar 2021 alle ore 17:52 Stéphane Bidoul <> ha scritto:
Hi Francesco,For the second one, the error can be seen on the last commit here:So it seems to be a real test error, but one that does not appear during all builds.Also, it seems that Odoo's .pot file exporter has difficulties producing a stable result, with several commits updating the same .pot file.I'd suggest first trying to understand the test failure, then we can see if the pot file issue needs addressing (maybe by upgrading to python 3.6).-sbiOn Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 2:21 PM Francesco Apruzzese <> wrote:Can anyone help us to understand why the BOT can't merge this PRor this one?Thank you.--Francesco ApruzzeseProfilo professionale:
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OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese-
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byOpenForce, Francesco Apruzzese -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel -
Re: OCA BOT can't merge PRs in OCA/l10n-italy branch 11.0
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel