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Weird issue: database does not run tests

ClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis
- 24/09/2020 11:59:44

I found this issue, and it is puzzling me, so I wonder if someone out 
there has some idea.

While creating a new module, using a dev database with demo data, at 
some point I added tests.
However, these tests don't get to run. I'm sure their Python files are 
being loaded, but the test runner is not executing them.
It is not like they are failing because of wrong data, They're simply 
not being executed,

After several trial and errors, I got them running after creating a new 
database and running them on this database.

So everything is the same: the code, the conf file, the system 
environment, ...
But test run in database B and not in database A!

Why would that be?
This was using Odoo 12.

Thanks for any insights

Daniel Reis
Open Source Integrators
