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Re: How can functional people "really" participate in OCA?

Quartile Limited., Yoshi Tashiro.
- 08/02/2020 03:38:25
What about having a page per module in Wiki of each OCA repository?

These pages may start with duplicating the contents of the Readme, but the functional people may add more information around the use cases, limitations, suggestions, and etc. perhaps with some screen captures also. Technical people may follow up to further update the Readme, borrowing the relevant updates from the Wiki pages.

Sometimes I find the Readme content of some OCA modules obsolete or missing information, and I often feel that I am not qualified/ready yet to create a PR to update them.  Would be nice to have a place where we can rather casually update information about OCA modules.  Maybe other functional people feel the same?

Yoshi Tashiro

On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 1:12 AM Kitti Upariphutthiphong <> wrote:
Thank you all,

Having said all this, I am not functional. And so I feel blessed working with OCA as programmer.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you OCA again, especially those founders of OCA. In my opinion, you guys have done good jobs in so many aspects. :)

OCA github that we can work on, surely a great environment for programmer. And it surly attract us to come around to see the progress and get feedback. It is quite interactive and fun in a way.

As a programmer, I can't complain. But for functional people, I am not sure. I think functional people don't like github, at least not our. They tried, but don't feel belonged to the community. And by not having functional people around means not enough functional analysis per what Stefano Consolaro suggest.

I think the feeling of "not belonged" is the point I want to make. (not yet about what they can do, i.e. functional design, document, translation, etc.)

With my shallow experience. I used to be in another OSS ERP projects which has no good tools like what OCA provided. The main place to collaborate is Forum, and so both programmer and functional are kind of forced to be together and work together.

I think OCA is a lot more advanced here. But how to "attract" (my) pure functional people to feel belonged to OCA is still my question.

You guys don't have this issue at all?
Kitti U.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 4:02 PM Stefano Consolaro <> wrote:
Hi Kitti,
thanks for giving an UP to this argument, this fundamental argument.
I'm an ibrid developer, not electical/gasoline but functional/coder :-), so I know how much important is to invest on functional/features analysis before start to code (it is know the progression that change/fix a feature on analysis/develop/testing/production costs 1/10/100/1000).
It's around three years that I "play" with Odoo-OCB and the first problem I figure out is the lack of documentation, both as process/functional description and often on module/code.

Last year the italian community had a "refactoring" focusing on problems that we have to fix to do a better collaboration and work on OCA (mainly on Italy), so we set up a new site ( with indication on how contribute ( and a lot of resources to collaborate ( and we have highlighted that it needs an effort on the functional analysis to have better results on develop.
Unfortunally everyday problems that afflict who works on Odoo-OCB have customer time pressure and probably the fact that today who works (develop/supply) with Odoo-OCA is mainly a developer focused on code, leads to neglect the functional aspects.

Recently a good exercise was the introduction of the electronic invoice that forced many actors to collaborate to create an unique "product", but we have many other steps (or typings) to do to for reach the habit to invest some time for share functional analysis before begin a new module.

Maxime well point out how an enthusiast can begin to work,  though are tools of the dark side, sorry the backend side, of the job. 
I suggest to choose a topic and a "development team" and begin to collaborate proposing your observations and giving your contribute to the documentation.

And keep spreading the functional verb ;-)

Stefano Consolaro


Da: "Kitti Upariphutthiphong"
A: "Contributors"
Data: Wed, 05 Feb 2020 19:46:48 -0000
Oggetto: How can functional people "really" participate in OCA?

Dear community,
I have a pretty hard question :)
We always say that functional people  is vital to ERP system, for sure in the project. But are functional people have places in OCA?
Are there forum or any place where functional can fully contribute their business knowledge without friction of tech, github and programmer languages?
Any pure functional people in OCA can help answer this? :)

Note: This question is passed here by my functional peer who want to participate in OCA. But I also don't have that good suggestion too.

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