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Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
As an implementation detail, it is clear that hashing provides (global) contend addressability. But then you'd name it: content_adressability
I can understand that you want to express the generic functional concept.
I guess there is no ideal answer, but "hashing" seems really like an implementation detail craving for visibility.
What do we want to achieve: Ok, we want to achieve global content addressability to spare on any (necessarily suboptimal) routing mechanism, in order to achieve that, you implement a hashing mechanism.
Why not something around the conceptual goal of "global business document addressability". I guess "content" would be misleading, as I suppose you spare static content from the mechanism.
Would that be able to induce any alternative naming idea?
El jue., 21 mar. 2019, 1:12 p.m., Enric Tobella <> escribió:
That is what I said about the action Pedro.It was called has because the same record would generate the same QR and now it is computed on this way but it could be computed totally different. For example, on our production system it generates an extra string in order to decide which system must use it. Also, hash was an idea as it could be used in order to ensure unicity. So for example, I would write on the QR the hash of the JSON {model: XX, id:XX, action:XX} so it is smaller.Enric Tobella AlomarCentros Médicos Creu BlancaTel: 902 202 230Tanto este mensaje como los documentos que, en su caso, lleve como anexos,
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a su eliminación.From: "Pedro M. Baeza (Tecnativa)" <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2019 17:51:44 -0000
Subject: Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
The same as you are providing for printing the QR 2 arguments (model and ID), you can provide the third one as well, so that's not a problem.And I agree with David that hash is misleading. I would call barcode_direct_link or similar.Regards._______________________________________________
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Odoo Hash Search Repository
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar-
Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository
byForgeFlow, S.L., Jordi Ballester Alomar