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Re: Odoo Hash Search Repository

ForgeFlow, S.L., Jordi Ballester Alomar
- 21/03/2019 17:49:08
I discussed with Enric, and in my opinion we should create a repo OCA/hash-search, because there will be a handful of modules related to this topic (and Enric is working on some already).

Having repos focused on a specific topic is good from a maintenance perspective.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 5:02 PM Enric Tobella <> wrote:
Dear contributors,
I have been working recently on a set of modules that allows to generate a unique identifier for the expected records and prints a label in order to access them easily through a widget on the odoo toolbar (it might work with Invoices, Purchase Orders and any kind of models that inherits from an abstract mixin).
Also, I have a module that taking all the documents scanned from a folder, assigns directly to their record. For example, you can configure your scanner to send the data to a shared folder and odoo takes it automatically and attachs it to its record. All unassigned documents can be assigned automatically by the user.
I think this set of addons is interesting enough and allows to the user to introduce all their data faster.
I wanted to propose it to the OCA, but I don't know which repo is better or if it requires a new repo.
There is a PR for the first addon. (
What do you think?
Enric Tobella Alomar
Centros Médicos Creu Blanca
Tel: 902 202 230
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Jordi Ballester Alomar
CEO & Founder | Eficent
