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Module sale_services_event

Humanitarian Logistics Organisation e.V., Benjamin Brich
- 08/11/2018 12:10:41

Dear Contributors,


We are an organization serving not for profits here in Germany with IT and Logistics services.


For one of our partners we need to create an ”sale_services_event” Module. The idea is to support Organizations selling services to other organisations in an event context. E.g. someone offering advanced camping options on music festivals organized by third parties.


In the beginning we are planning to implement data storage of the event details (when, where, event organizer etc.) Furthermore events should be selectable in leads and sale orders in order to autofill details.


Building up on this we are planning to implement a logic to define likelihoods for future sales in order to optimize the sales process.


Is anyone aware of an existing module that covers these functionalities or parts of them? Furthermore which would be the best repo for putting the module?


Thanks for helping and a great day




Benjamin Brich

Humanitarian Logistics Organisation e.V. (HLO)

Phone: +49 40 228686751

Cell: +49 160 97467007


Winsbergring 2

22525 Hamburg

