Accounting mailing list archives


RE: No validity dates on taxes in odoo. Why ?

Noviat sa/nv, Luc De Meyer.
- 07/11/2017 12:00:27



I think that your suggestion to add validity date logic on taxes is probably the best way to handle this situation and ideally via a module that lands in the OCA for current releases and a suggestion to Odoo to implement this concept in Odoo Community for the next release.





From: Frédéric Clementi []
Sent: Tuesday, 7 November 2017 10:03
To: Accounting <>
Subject: No validity dates on taxes in odoo. Why ?


Dear all,


I have questions about the VAT rate change management in Odoo.


In Switzerland, 2 VAT rates will be modified 1st of January and handling such a change in Odoo is never simple.


- First, you have to create new taxes, news tags, adapt the VAT report and change fiscal position. It could be more automatised I think but ok.


- Then, and this is my concern, you have to change default taxes on accounts and products.


Ok but When exactly?  Should I spend my new year eve checking that my csv import,script or cron works properly? because in case of errors it might be complex to do corrections.


So my question is simple: first, why don't we have validity dates on taxes in odoo.


And this lead me to a second question : Why don't we prefer managing default taxes at account level rather at product level?

I know the feature exists but it does not work on Sale order because there is no account on so line :\


It would be much easier If you set a VAT by default on account, then most cases can be handled with default account at product category level or property level and you would just manage default vat at product level in some specific case.



I am sure some of you have explored this point. I was hoping for some feedback on these points.


Thank you guys.



















Frédéric Clementi

Project Manager 

Business Solutions


+41 21 619 10 41


