Accounting mailing list archives


Re: Candidacy to join the Accounting PSC

WilldooIT, Jonathan Wilson
- 22/01/2016 12:03:27

+1 Jordi you have a lot to offer, I can't imagine anyone more qualified.

On 22 Jan 2016 8:23 pm, "Jordi Ballester Alomar" <> wrote:

I am proposing my candidacy to join the OCA Accounting Project Steering Committee. At Eficent are focusing our work much more towards contributing to and collaborating with OCA. 

One of our main service offerings is global consulting on accounting with Odoo, and we work closely with customers around the globe to help better adopt and improve Odoo Accounting. My background is as functional ERP consultant, and I own a degree in Business Sciences. 

Over the past years I have been contributing to the advancement of the accounting using Odoo by authoring or contributing to modules related to accounting, all published under OSI licenses (mostly AGPL), or by publishing accounting-related content in public blog posts.

OCA-related Contributions:
- Proposed 'Operating Unit' OCA repository (, and actively contributing to it, based on a roadmap (
- Improve MIS Reports, migrating them to v7 and improve in v8 and v9

Non-OCA related Contributions:
- Authored various modules on analytic accounting and perpetual inventory accouting, published under Eficent's Github repository (

As a member of the Accounting PSC I hope to help to further organize communty efforts to help enrich the community modules to support simple and complex accounting requirements alike.

Best regards,

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