Sessions 2-7: Getting started with Odoo Development (6 sessions)
Location: Online - 9/18/24, 2:00 PM - 9/18/24, 4:00 PM (+0200) (2 hours)

Sessions 2-7

  • 17th September

  • 23th September

  • 24th September

  • No training on week 40 (30th September). A live Q&A session will be held during the OCA Days for the participants coming to our community event.

  • 7th October

  • 8th October

  • 14th October

For technical people. Possible goals:

  1. Odoo architecture, documentation and reference available (looking at the source code)

  2. Install a local Odoo Development environment

  3. Configuring Odoo and databases

  4. Organizing and Odoo project with Git

  5. Creating your first module

  6. Debugging

  7. Creating your first extensions - the Odoo inheritance mechanisms (model, data and views)

  8. Odoo access rights methodology

  9. QWEB and reports

  10. Domains and how they work

  11. The ORM

  12. Basic Odoo functional - explain that most things you see in frontend are a database record: fields, views, models, actions, menus, chatter messages

  13. Automated actions, Scheduled actions