We found our Communication Agency!
and we're preparing the 2021 OCA Days!

Hi Everyone,

My last post was about the OCA strategy for 2021. This one is about great news we want to share to the world:

We have found our Communication Agency!

As you may know, we sent out a request for quotes in April, 2021. We received 3 offers, two of which were really strong and hard to differentiate. During the May board meeting, Graeme, our vice-president, proposed to organize a call with both bidders to make sure we would make the best choice for our community.

A difficult choice

It was a hard exercise for the board members, because, well you know, we're not so great in communication strategy at this stage. It was complex to decide which communication agency would best support us. Eventually, we made a decision: we'll work with GoodSense, a New Zealand team who has more than 20 years of experience in working for not-for-profit activities, especially with multiple stakeholders.

We'll have the honour to work with Allanah Robinson, Chris Young and Kath Dewar.

During our call with them, we were already learning things but I was struck by their "pyramid vision". This means we'll find our core message (at the top) and build different stories for our different target audiences (the different layers at the bottom of the pyramid). Written like this, it seems a little simple, but I can assure you that they explained this in better detail than me.

The mission will follow these steps:

Identify our target audiences and relevant key messages / information each target audience needs. Be aware, as a member of the OCA, you'll get involved soon. Check your emails!

  2. Extrapolate our communication strategy for the next 3 years

  3. Define a new website structure and navigation to better hit the target audience with a proper message

  4. Rewrite the current relevant pages of our website so that they are clear, easy to read and straight to the point.

Even if steps 3 and 4 are focused on our website, we'll make sure to think about our communication for digital and non-digital involvement during the strategic steps 1 and 2.

We'll work with GoodSense team until the end of this year. It goes without saying that I'll try to keep you posted on the process.

What are the other topics on the board's mind?

  • We are busy with our v14 migration.
 Tecnativa and ForgeFlow having won the RFQ earlier in the year are busy working behind the scenes.

  • We're thinking about the membership process: how to make it simpler for our members to renew their membership and for Rebecca (OCA General Secretary) and the board to have a straightforward and simple admin process. 
On 9th June, we were 220 members (166 had paid, don't forget to pay), 19 Sponsors and 60 GitHub Sponsors. If you would  like to buy a 2021 membership you can do so here or email us.

  • We had some legal topics to deal with (taxes, budget, accounting closing for 2020).

  • On the tech side, we dealt with Travis and Github's action topics and our runbot framework. We'll try to use the Github Discussion feature.
 We fixed some things on our website (the download on our app store, the presentation of the membership on the main page and the GitHub sponsorship program).
 A survey has been created for the Project Steering Committees to get feedback on their role and needs, this will be going out over the next week.

OCA Days: Register, propose a talk, choose the code sprint dates

And of course, we talked about our next event: 
The 2021 OCA Days will take place on the 28th and 29th October!

Want to share your knowledge with our great community?

Submit your talk!

We are proposing to organize the Code Sprint side at another time. Don't forget to answer this survey to help us decide when.

Talk to you soon.

 Cover photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash

We found our Communication Agency!
Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Virginie Dewulf. 2 July, 2021
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