OCA Days 2022 Retrospective

The OCA Days 2022 took place on 10th and 11th October in Liège. We haven’t seen each other in real life since OCA Days 2019 in Louvain-La-Neuve. So we decided to add social events to the usual Code Sprint agenda to let people connect!

Some key numbers: 

* 200 participants

* 25 talks

* 162 PR
* 2 Music Bands, 2 Foodtrucks
* Free beers and food
* Hundreds of hours of preparation (special thanks to Rebecca and the Acsone team)

For the first time, we had a great level of participation from functional people, CEO and deciders on top of our usual techie lovers. This shows a trend where the OCA becomes important for all layers of the Odoo ecosystem

The OCA Board members are super happy: this event was a great success thanks to everyone’s energy!

It all started on Sunday Night

After setting up all the furniture (nice coloured couches and poufs for the lounge area, dozens of tables and chairs) in Val Benoit with some motivated volunteers (thank you again to the awesome crew who were able to come and help us), we headed to Brasserie Curtius to share some beers and start breaking the ice of 3 years of on-screen interactions. 80+ people attended the event.

Code Sprint

The following topics have been covered and a lot of porting has already happened!

migration of OCA modules to v15 and v16 (membership, partner, field services, stock, connectors and queue job, product configurator, brand, accounting, MIS Builder)

Project Forecast Line modules

Odoo Module Migrator (a tool to help upgrade the modules)

OCA bot improvement

Weblate Update

Don’t hesitate to check the PR’s and review them to help the whole community benefit from the work that has been started by the developers' team!

Various enlightening talks

We had 25 talks this year, ranging from technical topics and news about OCA modules (Field Service, EDI framework, Shopfloor, ShopInvader, …) to Use Cases (Mozaik project for political parties), functional themes, the OCA infrastructure and contribution process, and even business model oriented and philosophical ones (“The Odoo Ecosystem and in which place can I fit?”)! 

As usual, we weren't disappointed: the talk (and  4 walled rooms) quality was high, a lot of knowledge was shared, and last but not least, there was live streaming for online participants. 

We’ll have all the talks available soon on the Odoo Community Youtube Channel.

Great live music

On Monday night, we had the chance to discover 2 bands; Acoufun and Freaky Mornings.

What a great night it was! The music was so good. Thanks again to all the musicians for their participation and to the Acsone team for having found these gems!

Our promotional video

We hired a communication crew to produce a promotional video. Joël and Graeme, our president and vice-president, explain the key values of the OCA in this. Then we’ll have testimonies from different profiles to illustrate how the OCA can help everyone working with Odoo. 

We’ll share the video on our social media and website as soon as it is ready!

Share your feedback

How was the OCA Days 2022 from your perspective? Please share by filling in this survey

We spent a lot of time organizing all this, you spent 2 days of your time participating, please, now, invest 2 minutes of your time as you’re still in the atmosphere of the event to help improve for the next editions!

What’s next?

The Annual General Assembly will take place in the following days: if you’re a member, you can propose yourself to become a Delegate (meaning a voting member) by 21st October. You’ll then be asked to vote on the annual documents (validate the accounting of 2021 and the budget for 2022) and vote for the new Board composition. We can onboard a maximum of 10 new Delegates each year.

If you’re a Delegate, you can apply to become a Board Member. The Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association with the help of our General Secretary, for the organisation of events like the OCA Days and for the long-term projects of the OCA. The current hot topics are:

OpenUpgrade funding and knowledge sharing

New branding and logo

how to get more functional experts involved?

how to support the Project Steering Committees Members and improve the review and merge processes?

You can also apply to become a Financial Auditor.

Please consider becoming an active member in the governance instances of the Association. It’s also thanks to this kind of contribution that we can make Odoo mightier, together!

OCA Days 2022 Retrospective
Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Virginie Dewulf. 20 October, 2022
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OCA Annual General Assembly 2022 - Delegates Campaign is Open